Have you ever thought... “Back pain is inevitable, you just deal with it”“I know certain things will increase my pain so I just try to avoid them” These are actual quotes from people who have been...
Physical Wellness
Don’t Lose Hope
Never Change The Goal. It can get better. Every step you take now will have a positive impact on your future! It can be easy to feel frustrated with your physical, nutritional, or mental progress...
Be Well and Thrive with Kim Saguinsin
Be Well and Thrive Interview with Kim Saguinsin of Warrior Tech OCR This conversation opened my eyes to the SPORT of obstacle course racing and Ninja. The local Obstacle Course Race (OCR) gym -...
Be Well and Thrive with Ashley Acornley
Have you ever thought you need to eat better and exercise more? Have you found yourself exercising more and not feeling like you have the right nutrition to keep it going or optimize your training?...
Be Well and Thrive with Michael Palevo
Be Well and Thrive Podcast Interview with Michael Palevo Owner of Your Fitness Solutions Your Fitness Solutions is a company that not only will get you fit but teach you and empower you so you can...
How Can Dry Needling Help Your Pain?
So, what is Functional Dry Needling? Dry Needling is a tool used during Physical Therapy treatment to help reduce pain like sciatica, plantar fascia pain, muscle tension pain, nagging aches in your...
North Raleigh CrossFit – Community Empowerment
It has been my pleasure to meet and interact with the members of North Raleigh CrossFit since June 2019. The first thing I learned about them is how much they care about each other and the...
Pulse Pilates – Keeps you positive and fit!
It is my goal to help people stay healthy and fit to live a life without worry or limitation. To do this, I am always in search of complementary services that help promote this goal. In my search, I...
10 things you can do to get the most out of your Physical Therapy
You have invested a lot into your body and your goals for it. The PT you receive is vital to achieving those goals you set, and making sure you get the most out of it is important. Here are the Top...
Is Your Knee Joint Pain Slowing You Down?
Are you experiencing the most pain when you are running, squatting, getting down on your hands and knees, or using the stairs? Why you may be experiencing knee pain The knee is a joint made up of...
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